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Shooting in Connecticut
Пт, Дек 14, 2012 01:05pm [Аноним] - 4153 d back

WTH is going on. It is so scary. How can we protect our kids?
... Показать пропущенные сообщения (362) ...
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 08:03pm Павел - 4146 d back

Именно, ВСЕ покупали и ходили, а рассстрелял один.

Все купили, а спасти своих детей не смогли. Даже теоритически это невозможно. Это илюзия защищености
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 08:34pm Sveta - 4146 d back

ни разу в жизни в Белоруссии не былаSmile что я там оставила? мне и тут неплохо. Еще вот республиканцы-консерваторы потихоньку вымрут как динозавры или друг друга перестреляют - совсем хорошо будетSmile
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 09:02pm Andrey - 4146 d back

ви тупа как сибирский валенок. Ассоциация с Белорусийей била к контесте тоталитарного режима и беспредельной власти полицейского государства над личностью проишодячейе на фоне бедности и убогости а не ваших путешествий.
П.С.: Надеюсь что обяснять что такойе тупой валенок мне вам не надо....Wink....?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 09:19pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

Андрей, а вдруг она хорошенькая, Света, а ты с ней так разговариваешь?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 09:41pm Andrey - 4146 d back

Тоесть ви аноним считайете что в дискусийи я должен делить людей на "хорошенькийе" и не "очень симпотичнийе" и относиться к ним по разному...Wink..?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:10pm Sveta - 4146 d back

"симпотичний" пишется с А, умный ты нашSmile
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:27pm Andrey - 4146 d back

Во первих я не русский, во вторих пишу транслитом...в третйих Светлана если по делу ответить нечем то пускай будет так - вам будет от етого легче симпАтичная моя...Wink...
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:36pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

Andrey, а в четвертых, если писать изначально правильно, то транслятор и переведет правильно, даже с транслита. Грамотный вы наш Smile
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:39pm Andrey - 4146 d back

"Анонимушка" а ви знайете правилописанийе транслитом?
P.S.: By the way there is no f&%$ing word "транслятор" in Russian language...Wink..
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:44pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

Andrey, и что такого ужасно-тоталитарного происходит в Белоруссии, что вы ее в качестве примера контекста приводите?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:46pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

Andrey, а вы в общем на каком-либо языке писать правильно умеете?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:57pm Andrey - 4146 d back

"Анонимушка" ви что действительно щитайете что я сдесь с каждой ветряной мельницей буду бороться....Wink..?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 10:59pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

<"Анонимушка" а ви знайете правилописанийе транслитом? P.S.: By the way there is no f&%$ing word "транслятор" in Russian language... ..>

Пт, Дек 21, 2012 11:02pm Andrey - 4146 d back

"Анонимушка" поздравляю ви научились пользоваться поисковиком Google...Wink...
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 11:03pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

бороться или не бороться - это на ваше усмотрение. Но, показывать свою напускную интеллектуальность не стоит
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 11:05pm [Аноним] - 4146 d back

спасибо за поздравление Smile может быть вам тоже стоит последовать моему примеру?
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 11:16pm Andrey - 4146 d back

"Анонимушки" лают а караван идёт....Wink...
Пт, Дек 21, 2012 11:30pm Andrey - 4146 d back

а может вас на стрельбиче когда-нибуть отвезти...Wink...?
Что-би ви сами убедились что нет людей культурней и порядочней чем на gun show ili na USPS shooting competition...Wink...
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 12:35am [Аноним] - 4146 d back

>Что-би ви сами убедились что нет людей культурней и порядочней чем на gun show ili na USPS shooting competition...(c)

убедиться в вашей "культуре и порядочности" можно почитав ваши коменты, а также местных любителей оружия-дед, психопат, кинг, и пр. ((
по-вашему получается, эталоном "культуры и порядочности", является адам ланза - на сегодняшний день он явный победитель всех shooting competition и видимо кумир всех одержимых любовью к оружию.
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 12:40am [Аноним] - 4146 d back

не льстите себе, большинство из вас закомплексованные, злобные людишки, которые не могут себя ничем проявить, оружие заменяет вам что-то чего вам не дано. да и все эти стрелки были никчемные неудачники любящие оружие.
оружие создано чтобы убивать и не для чего другого и это чувство, осознанное или нет, движет вами и плевать вам на жизни других людей, даже собственных детей.
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 02:00am Sveta - 4146 d back

Ха-ха-ха, точно про Е и дедаSmile

Small Penis Syndrome
Personality syndrome identified by low self esteem in association with a disproportionately small penis. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, the provocation of others in argument in an effort to boost the Small Penis Syndrome (SPS) sufferer's low self esteem. SPS is easily identifiable among owners of monster trucks and forum trolls. SPS sufferers often associate themselves with the American Quarter Horse (AQH) in a paradoxical display of horse penis envy. There is no known cure for SPS, however, ignoring those afflicted with the syndrome will make them go away.
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 02:06am Sveta - 4146 d back

Anyone who has been on a website that has a forum will sooner or later see a poster whom others will refer to as a troll. A troll is someone who posts in a forum for the express purpose of attracting attention through negativity, hatred, stupidity, or by being an offensive Racist.
Scientists have only had the few years the internet has been around to study the phenomena but have come to some rock solid conclusions about the causes of trollish behavior.

Small Penis
Yes, scientists have proven that 100% of trolls suffer from a severe lack of penile length and girth. While there is a group of men who become aroused on diminutive humiliation, the troll does not and overcompensates in direct proportion with their trollish behavior seemingly declaring to the world how “big” they are.
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 07:22am Дед Пихто - 4146 d back

Вообщем то Светик неплахая тётка но всётаки острый недоёп даёт о себе знать, поетому желаю Свете в ноцом году хоть разочек потрахаца, можат тогда она перестанет думать о наших с Е членах. Very\ Happy
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 09:39am ►E.◄ - 4146 d back

Sveta, если вы проявляете свою заинтересованность, можно сделать это более пристойно. Прочитайте что ли книжку какую типа "Как закадрить мужчину"...
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 09:56am [Аноним] - 4146 d back

Конец. Света. Кстати, некто Пашик хвастался что ему с концом Света понравилась, на соседнем форуме
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 09:59am [Аноним] - 4146 d back

"А день то классно у меня прошел. Всегда бы Конец Света была. Приятно "
Сб, Дек 22, 2012 12:49pm [Аноним] - 4145 d back

Demand A Plan to End Gun Violence
Пн, Дек 24, 2012 01:23am [Аноним] - 4144 d back

What now in Newtown? Seize the change, healers say

Sun Dec 23, 9:31 PM UTC

The grief will not end. Yet the healing must begin. So as the shock of Newtown's horrific school shooting starts to wear off, as the headlines fade and the therapists leave, residents are seeking a way forward through faith, community and a determination to seize their future.

At religious services Sunday, church leaders received standing ovations from parishioners they have been helping to cope with the shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The gunman also killed his mother and himself.

"This has been the worst week of my life," said Monsignor Robert Weiss of the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church, which lost eight children and two adults in the massacre. He thanked the community for giving him strength to get through the week filled with funerals.

Meanwhile, a former teacher, Carole MacInnes, said she remembers the gunman as a smart, sweet boy in her second-grade class at Sandy Hook.

To deal with the short-term trauma, the state sent dozens of mental health professionals to Newtown. Sessions were available every day, at a half-dozen locations. Relief also has been provided by therapy and service dogs, massage therapists, acupuncturists and art therapists, from around Connecticut and the nation.

Rick Kaplan was driving back to South Carolina on Sunday with his nine service dogs. His "Canine Angels" usually assist disabled veterans, but he spent several days in Newtown with parents and grandparents of the victims, the victims' classmates and other town residents.

The families "held dogs, cried, laughed, hugged and thanked us to say that this was invaluable," Kaplan said. "The love and respect of a dog is something, no doctor and no medicine can compete with what a dog can do."

The mother of one victim sat with one dog for an hour. Kaplan recalls her saying: "I can't tell you how guilty I feel because this is the first joy I've had in a week. I feel so guilty because I'm not thinking about my son right now."

After the Sunday service at Newtown's Trinity Episcopal Church, the Rev. Kathleen Adams-Shepherd received hugs and kisses from a long line of parishioners. She choked up as she read the names of the victims and offered a prayer for all of them, including gunman Adam Lanza and his slain mother, Nancy.

Deacon Rick Scinto of St. Rose of Lima said church officials will be teamed with professional counselors and therapists to provide assistance.

"I don't see us taking a lead role, but I certainly see us taking a cooperative role in any kind of counseling that they need. We have our niche. We're religious and we can talk about God and how the Lord figures in this whole mess," Scinto said.

Things will never be the same here. And that transformation itself — heartbreaking and permanent as it may be — is the key to long-term recovery, say some of those helping to lead the healing of this shattered town.

"This will never leave you and should never leave you. Your tears are proof of your love. The trick is, you've got to find a new form for your love," said Dr. John Woodall, a psychiatrist and Newtown resident.

Woodall is founder of The Unity Project, which has assisted recoveries from such tragedies such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the war in the former Yugoslavia and child soldier conflicts in Uganda. He said it's impossible to answer the question of why the Dec. 14 tragedy happened.

"The only helpful question to ask is what next?" Woodall said.

Charles Dumais, principal of Newtown High School, came up with an answer after consulting with Woodall. Dumais is exhorting his community to honor the dead through the kind of high character and good deeds that will create a future of resilience — not sorrow.

"If you have not done so already, please take a moment now to think about what you wish the future to look like," Dumais wrote in an email to his students and staff. "We had no control over this senseless, cruel, horrific act, but we do have absolute control over our response to it."

People first must survive the present.

Dennis Stratford, who works for the school district, happened to be making a delivery to Sandy Hook Elementary School when the gunman attacked. He saw dead children. He saw the remains of dead children on those who survived. He waited agonizing minutes for his own child to emerge unharmed from the school. Two of his neighbors' children did not.

"I go home and cry every night, and I cry every morning," Stratford said.

He went to one counseling session, but the horrific images remain. What helps more is work: sorting through the warehouses full of gifts, delivering them where they need to go or doing whatever else needs to be done for his town.

"There were nine minutes of evil, and an infinity of goodness after that," Stratford said, sitting on a forklift loaded with gifts. "This is therapy for me."

MacInnes, the retired teacher, said Lanza did not require extra academic attention and he acted normal socially. She said Lanza was a gentle soul and she never saw him after the second grade. MacInnes first confirmed to The Washington Post that Lanza was in her class at Sandy Hook.

Matthew Crebbin, pastor of the Newtown Congregational Church and leader of the Newtown Interfaith Clergy Association, said the rest of the world will soon go back to normal.

"The bad news and the good news in Newtown is that our community will never be the same," Crebbin said. "It doesn't have to mean that this is a world of just loss and sorrow and spiraling disruption if we can draw from this strength and have a sense that we are called to something more and to strengthen connections to each other."

Пн, Дек 24, 2012 01:29am [Аноним] - 4144 d back


eto video gde ukrainskaya devochka rasskazyvaet o strel'be v Oregone...
Вт, Дек 25, 2012 02:56pm [Аноним] - 4142 d back
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